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Pennsylvania State Representative District 31

Description of office: The General Assembly is the legislative branch of government in Pennsylvania. It is composed of two houses: the Senate is the upper house, and the House of Representatives is the lower house. A majority vote in both houses is necessary to pass a law. The PA House of Representatives consists of 203 members representing one district each, with an equal number of constituents. Representatives must be at least 21 years old, have been a citizen and a resident of the state four years and a resident of their respective districts one year before their election, and shall reside in their respective districts during their terms of service. The House develops budget packages, makes taxation decisions, allocates spending, and passes laws (including redistricting in collaboration with the Senate). The House also has the exclusive authority to impeach public officials. Representatives also serve on various policy committees that may propose legislation. Term: 2 years Salary: $106,422 Vote for ONE.

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  • Candidate picture

    Perry Warren

  • Candidate picture

    Bernie Sauer

Biographical Information

What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court's ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?

What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?

County Bucks
Occupation State Representative
Education Colgate University, B.A.; University of North Carolina School of Law, J.D.
Qualifications As State Representative I have supported, written, introduced and passed legislation that benefits our residents. I bring my experience as business owner, lawyer, Borough Councilman and father of five to the role of state representative and participate in the life of our communities.
Campaign Website
The first priority is to continue to do my best in representing our residents and communities. With respect to issues, what I call the three E's are top priorities in my district: Economy, Education and Environment. Economy includes increasing the minimum wage and ensuring livable wages, improving transportation infrastructure and transit, and supporting local businesses and a fair economy. Education includes pre-K, primary and secondary, vocational and college education and ensuring a safe educational environment, free from gun violence. Environment includes clean air and water and sustainable energy policy. Each of those priorities focuses on maintaining and improving quality of life in our communities and throughout Pennsylvania.
The right to vote is perhaps the most important tenet of our nation, and voting should be free, safe, accessible and open to all citizens. Boards of Elections need to be adequately funded and our polls staffed and poll workers protected from intimidation to ensure safe and accessible elections. BOE's should be permitted to pre-canvass mail and absentee ballots so votes can be timely counted. I support clear language on mail ballots, elimination of unnecessary barriers to completing a ballot and requiring BOE's to notify and permit voters to correct clerical errors and omissions. In addition, I support campaign finance reform and limits on dark money spending.
Governor Shapiro and the General Assembly made great progress this year by enacting a state budget that includes record public education funding. We can and must do more, ensuring that our students are supported and our schools funded to fulfill our constitutional obligation to the next and future generations. More education funding should come from the state level, to contain or reduce reliance on local property taxes. I support measures to encourage students to become teachers in Pennsylvania and to invest in school infrastructure and facilities so that students can succeed in a safe and productive learning environment.
Every person should have access to a full range of reproductive health services, including safe and legal birth control and abortion services. I support legislation that would ensure that access to Pennsylvanians regardless of what may happen in other states or at the national level and legislation that removes obstacles and penalties for persons seeking reproductive health care, including birth control and abortion services. I voted No in 2022 on the proposed constitutional amendment that would have declared that there is no constitutional right to abortion.
County Bucks
Occupation Business Owner
Education Bishop Egan High School & Temple University
Campaign Website
We must do what we can to bring down the cost of living for families struggling across Pennsylvania – that includes keeping taxes low and attracting new business to the Commonwealth. We have a responsibility to pass budgets that are on time, balanced, and make smart investments in our communities. Finally, we must provide the men and women of law enforcement with the tools they need to keep our streets safe.
As your next State Representative, I will work to ensure that our elections are accessible, fair, and secure. We must protect access to reliable early voting for those who choose to participate by mail or in person at the Board of Elections office. At the same time, we need to promote common-sense security measures like expanded Voter ID and regular election audits to guarantee confidence in the reliability of our election process.
A quality education is the foundation of a brighter future for Pennsylvania. It equips our children with the skills they need to succeed, strengthens our communities, and ensures our economy thrives. Investing in education means providing resources for teachers, modernizing schools, and supporting all students. I’ll prioritize policies that expand access to quality education, ensuring every child can reach their full potential. Regardless of the specific legislative outcome, my commitment to you is that I will always fight to ensure our students and teachers receive the resources they need to maintain our school district’s reputation for excellence.
I believe we have to look past the extremists on either side of this important issue and find the common ground that I know exists. I would not be a vote for the expansion of late-term abortions, nor would I support an outright ban on abortion or other critical reproductive healthcare. I would vote to protect the exceptions that are outlined in the current Pennsylvania law, and do not wish to insert myself between a woman and her doctor in these kinds of deeply personal healthcare decisions.