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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Manatee County Commissioner Dist 7

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  • Candidate picture

    George W. Kruse

  • Candidate picture

    Sari A. Lindroos-Valimaki

Biographical Information

1. What skills, qualifications, abilities do you possess that would make you an effective Commissioner?

2. There’s been considerable controversy about Board decisions in the last two years. Which, if any, would you revisit if possible and why?

3. What do you see as the three most important issues facing Manatee County?  Select one of these problems and explain how you would like to solve it.

4. How will you connect with the constituents you will serve in order to understand their views?

Campaign Phone 941-321-6393
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My background is in finance and affordable housing. I have run companies requiring strategy, compromise and budgets. I have the experience to focus on the issues presently plaguing Manatee County including housing, growth and an inflating budget. More specifically, however, I have the ability to research issues in an unbiased manner and work directly with the public to determine the best outcome for resolution. I engage with the public more than other members of our board. I would ask all voters to assess my qualifications, my voting records and my dedication and consideration of the public when determining who will best serve them and their future needs. With the substantial changes coming to this Board, our County will be well-served by someone with the knowledge, the contacts and the experience to steer the new group to a better future.
In the past two years, I have had to withstand a board that is pushing the limits when it comes to development, non-local social issues and ordinances. This includes gutting our wetland buffers for the benefit of developers, trying to derail a nonprofit offer to build housing for our homeless Veterans, and under collecting our impact fees. Each time, I listened to the residents, did my homework and advocated for them to the fullest extend possible. As I was on the losing side of too many 6-1 votes to count, I'd like to revisit many of these votes including our impact fee collections, our retail pet ban, our gap funding for workforce housing and our misguided efforts to spend funds we don't have on parking garages we don't need. On the development side, we need to revisit Policy and fees. For the public, we need a board willing to listen and bring back call-in comments and our advisory boards.
First, we need to create better incentives and long-term plans for our incredible growth.

Second, we need to catch up on our infrastructure through collecting impacts fees to fund it and striving to find alternative multimodal means of alleviating pressure on our current system.

Third, our local government has been continuously consolidating power and inserting government into areas which should be left to other offices, nonprofits or the public. In doing so, it's taking away the voice of the very public the board is presumably elected to represent. The board needs to bring the government back to the people and divest from unnecessary control. We also need to stay in our lane and avoid non-local issues. The first step is to get more board members engaged with the public and the community to do what's right for all citizens of our county. We also need to bring back expanded opportunities for public comment and involvement. We can't fix the county until we fix the public trust.
I have been vocally advocating for more connection with our constituents. That means all residents, not just the like-minded ones. I started monthly town halls back in late 2022 to give all citizens an opportunity to ask questions, express concerns or offer suggestions. I have also made multiple motions to bring back call-in comments and reinstate presently-dormant advisory boards. This disconnect has caused numerous issues as seen by the actions of the board not aligning with the will of the people. Each passing day, you can feel the divide between our government and the people widen. This causes distrust and citizens feeling like their voices aren’t being heard, because they are not being heard. We need to get back to making this about the people and that starts with encouraging, not discouraging, resident involvement. I believe the new Board will facilitate that involvement and I intent to lead the way and assist them all in opening dialogue in their districts.
Campaign Phone (941)212-1228
Instagram Sari_Florida
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My unique background would be an asset to Manatee County BCC. I hold an undergraduate degree in Political Science and an MBA with an emphasis on security, providing a solid foundation in governance and public policy. I have led teams of engineers on projects hardening infrastructure against adversaries, ensuring the resilience of essential services. My work in cyberattack forensics and managing large IT budgets has equipped me to oversee and improve our county’s infrastructure. As a liaison between C-suite executives, clients, and engineers, I excel in communicating complex technical information, bridging gaps between the public, county staff, and stakeholders. I believe diversity fosters innovative solutions and am committed to inclusive leadership. My expertise in infrastructure security and financial management, combined with strong communication and leadership abilities, enables me to effectively serve Manatee County with integrity and transparency.
The BCC has made several controversial decisions in the last two years, but two stand out: weakening wetland protections and reducing impact fees for developers.

Wetlands are crucial for maintaining our environmental health. They act as natural water filters, reduce flood risk, and provide vital wildlife habitats. By allowing development in these sensitive areas, we risk long-term environmental damage. I would revisit this decision to reinstate and strengthen wetland protections, ensuring sustainable development that preserves our natural resources.

Reducing Impact Fees for Developers: Impact fees are essential for funding the infrastructure needed to support new developments. Reducing these fees shifts the financial burden from developers to taxpayers, undermining our ability to maintain and improve infrastructure. I would advocate for reinstating higher impact fees to ensure developers contribute their fair share to the community.

Tropical Storm Debby exposed our county’s vulnerability to extreme weather, highlighting urgent needs for climate-resilient infrastructure. Aging systems, weakened wetland protections, and overdevelopment in flood-prone areas exacerbated flooding, sewage spills, and insufficient emergency responses. I propose reinforcing wetlands, upgrading drainage systems and wastewater facilities, implementing advanced warning systems, restoring natural creeks, and leveraging federal funds to build resilient infrastructure. These measures will protect Manatee County from future storms and build a safer, more resilient future.

I am dedicated to being an accessible and responsive Commissioner. I believe in the power of listening, learning, and leading with empathy. To truly understand the needs and concerns of our community, I will hold regular town hall meetings, create open forums, and maintain active communication channels through social media and newsletters.

I am committed to being a visible presence in the community, attending local events, and meeting with residents face-to-face. I will establish a feedback system that ensures every voice is heard and considered in the decision-making process. By fostering an open dialogue and building trust, I aim to lead with transparency and integrity. If given the opportunity, I promise to be a Commissioner who listens to and learns from our constituents, ensuring their views and needs are at the forefront of governance