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VOTE411 Voter Guide

US House District 10 Republican Primary

Early voting for this race begins May 3, 2024 with Primary Election Day on June 18, 2024. During a primary, voters must select either a Republican ballot or a Democratic ballot. Voters may not select both.This race will determine the Republican who will run for the US District 10 House of Representatives in November, 2024.The US House of Representatives is made up of 435 representatives (often referred to as congressmen or congresswomen). Each representative is elected to a two-year term. Representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees.Virginia US House District 10 is currently represented by Jennifer Wexton, who is not seeking reelection. The area served includes all of Rappahannock, Fauquier and Loudoun counties; parts of Fairfax and Prince William counties; and the cities of Manassas and Mannassas Park. For information on the finances raised by each candidate, go to VPAP’s Campaign Finance details:

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  • Candidate picture

    Manga A. Anantatmula

  • Candidate picture

    Aliscia N. Andrews

  • Candidate picture

    Mike W. Clancy

  • Candidate picture

    Alex H. Isaac Jr.

Biographical Information

What steps should be taken by Congress to help ensure a strong economy, including access to job training, economic opportunity, and affordable housing for all Virginians?

What will you do to address the impact of climate change on the Commonwealth of Virginia?

What specific steps will you take to ensure that all Virginians have access to high quality health insurance and affordable health care, including reproductive care and prescription drug coverage?

What are the most important steps you will take to create an accessible path to citizenship, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients?

What measures do you support to restore trust in our elections, support election officials who administer our elections, and ensure that states do not reduce but instead encourage voter access to the ballot box?

What steps should be taken by Congress to address childcare workforce shortages? What specific actions will you take to ensure all children have access to high-quality, affordable and equitable early care and education?

Do you support an extension for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment? What steps will you take in support of your response?

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Candidate has not yet responded.
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Candidate has not yet responded.