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US Senate Republican Primary

Virginia is an open primary state meaning that voters do not register by political party. Any registered voter is eligible to vote in any primary election. If both the Democratic and Republican parties hold primaries on the same day, as in this Election for many parts of Virginia, voters must choose which party ballot they wish to vote, per Virginia Code § 24.2-530.A US Senator serves a six-year term. The Virginia Republican Party is the only party requesting a Primary Election for the US Senator representing Virginia. Write-in candidates are not permitted for Primary Elections in Virginia. Campaign Finance details on the US Senate candidates are available on the VPAP website.

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    Hung Cao

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    Jonathan W. Emord

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    Edward C. "Eddie" Garcia Jr.

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    Scott Thomas Parkinson

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    C. L. "Chuck" Smith, Jr.

Biographical Information

What steps should be taken by Congress to help ensure a strong economy, including access to job training, economic opportunity, and affordable housing for all Virginians?

What will you do to address the impact of climate change on the Commonwealth of Virginia?

What specific steps will you take to ensure that all Virginians have access to high quality health insurance and affordable health care, including reproductive care and prescription drug coverage

What are the most important steps you will take to create an accessible path to citizenship, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients?

What measures do you support to restore trust in our elections, support election officials who administer our elections, and ensure that states do not reduce but instead encourage voter access to the ballot box

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education BA (Double Major, Political Science and History) (1982), University of Illinois; JD, Depaul University College of Law (1985)
experience Constitutional and Administrative Lawyer for the past 38 years; holds record for defeating the FDA on constitutional grounds (8 times in federal court)
Campaign Twitter Handle @@jemord1776
The greatest threat to our economic security is the bloated and perniciously regulatory federal government. We must cut government regulation, restore energy independence, reduce the size and scope of government, cut government spending, and cut individual and corporate taxes to unleash the private sector, ensure economic opportunity and growth, reduce interests rates, and avoid loss of the American dollar as the reserve currency for the world.
By John Kerry's own admission, nothing we do to reduce carbon emissions in the U.S. will change the global climate. There is woefully inadequate proof that domestic energy production affects the global environment in ways demonstrably harmful to animal or plant life. To sacrifice the economic and national security of the nation in a futile attempt to change global temperatures is costly and foolish, a Trojan horse for socialism. We must repeal the climate change agenda, and thereby reduce federal spending by $1 trillion annually, and restore energy independence to ensure the survival and success of our nation. We need to break down barriers to use of small modular nuclear reactors to affordably satisfy future energy demands.
The best way to reduce the cost of health care and ensure quality care for every American is to replace the one-size-fits-all system of highly bureaucratized medicine now predominant in the U.S. with a patient-centric system. The current centralized government system inflates the costs of care, reduces patient choice, and causes physicians to limit their professional recommendations to satisfy the demands of Medicare proxies rather than the needs of patients. We must restore economic incentives for patient-centric care by breaking down regulatory barriers to the exercise of independent professional judgment and by providing significant tax deductions to providers who supply care without cost or at affordable rates to those in need.
The greatest threat to the survival of our nation is the open border policy of the Biden Administration. Terrorist cartels have replaced U.S. authorities in determining who enters our country. No vetting is used to stop an invasion of sex traffickers, drug traffickers, gangs, agents of enemy nations, and terrorists. We must stop the illegal entry, require all asylum seekers to seek asylum under existing law but through the U.S. embassies in their countries of origin or in adjacent countries, and invoke Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution to enable the border states to arrest, detain, and deport any illegal entrants. Consistent with the 14th amendment, only the children of those lawfully in the United States are citizens.
The best way to ensure election integrity is to implement voter identification sufficient to limit the franchise to those who may legally vote, reduce the period for voting to one day and make that day a holiday, ferret out and prosecute those engaged in unlawful ballot harvesting, make ballot harvesting unlawful, and limit mail in ballots to those who either due to military service or physical disability cannot vote in person. Even then measures should be taken to ensure voter identification.
Campaign Email
education Masters in Legislative Affairs (GWU), Masters in IT Project Management (UMUC)
experience 22-year Army Veteran, 6 combat deployments, 5 years working with Congress on federal policy on behalf of the military, national security and Gold Star families.
Campaign Twitter Handle @eddiegarciava
We must grow jobs that pay well and ensure that companies formed in America, stay in America. I will advocate for an increase in trade schools to fill the critical shortages across the county. I will prioritize an education that builds the workforce of the future in robotics, semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and more.
I will advocate for a national nuclear energy grid incorporating the lower 48 states to get the US on a sustainable path away from foreign oil and Chinese minerals. A nuclear energy plan is the only sustainable way to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels over the long term, drive down energy costs on working families, and put millions of Americans back to work.
We must increase access to healthcare providers by eliminating the bottleneck of medical residency programs and allowing more medical school graduates the ability to complete residency and begin seeing patients. I'm in favor of increased maternity care and services for expected mothers and increasing the child tax credit to enable women who are struggling financially with means to raise their children.
I am not in favor of a path to citizenship for adults who came to America illegally.
I support making federal election day a national holiday to allow workers the freedom and access to cast their votes and have their voices heard.
Campaign Email
education University of Wisconsin; Political Science
experience I have more than 18 years experience working in public policy at the highest levels of government. My professional history can be viewed on LinkedIn.
Campaign Twitter Handle @ScottTParkinson
Congress can provide for a strong economy by doing the opposite of everything Kaine and Biden have done for the past 4 years. In Virginia, the average household currently pays $12,230 more in higher annual costs than under Trump. I will work on a pro-growth economic agenda that reduces taxes on job creators and families, cuts onerous regulation, and embraces free markets so Big Government doesn't pick winners and losers with crony subsidies and distortions in the marketplace. In Hampton Roads, I'll foster an environment of workforce development that meets the skills needed to accommodate industry. Housing costs are out of control because of the spending policies Kaine and Biden support resulting in higher mortgage interest rates.
Whether or not voters accept research studies on climate change, we can all agree that it doesn't stop as a state or country's border. Handcuffing the United States' economy, while allowing China - the biggest polluter in the world - to play by their own rules is an economic disadvantage. I'll support innovations that keep water clean for us to drink, and air clean and safe for us to breathe. I will not support a carbon tax. I'll oppose the Green New Deal. And I won't support the environmentalists' boneheaded protests at the National Gallery of Art.
First, we should repeal Obamacare to restore high-qualify health insurance. Obamacare has only stifled competition in the health insurance marketplace by reducing options. The national average health insurance premiums have more than doubled since Obamacare became law. Choice and competition result in higher quality of care. I strongly oppose Medicare for All schemes that would actually abolish Medicare for Seniors by creating a single-payer health care system. We must protect Medicare for Seniors. To deal with the PreX population in OCare, Congress should allow states to establish high-risk pools and fund it through federal block grants. I support expanding HSAs, STLDs, AHPs & allowing individuals to purchase insurance across state lines.
I oppose amnesty for the illegal alien population. Biden & Kaine's open border policies make us less safe. Earlier this year in Campbell County, a 32 year old illegal from Venezuela sexually assaulted a 14 year old girl. And Fairfax refused to honor an ICE detainer request that resulted in sexual assaults of more girls. Fentanyl goes from China to Mexico to all our communities & is killing people. End the madness of a path to citizenship for the illegal population. Criminal aliens should be deported. I oppose federal funding for sanctuary cities. Legal immigrants are disgusted by Open Border policies supported by Democrats. Like most Americans, I support merit-based legal immigration. Illegals shouldn't be able to vote in U.S. Elections!
In order to restore trust in elections, we must have federal laws providing for Voter ID. Congress must explicitly prohibit illegal immigrants from voting in U.S. Elections. Apportionment should not include non-citizens because it decreases voting rights from the citizenry. We should ban drop boxes. While voter fraud is low in many states, federal elections are often won by less than 1 percent. Voter fraud should be prosecuted to deter fraud in future elections. I strongly support the voting rights of all eligible American citizens. Federal intel agencies must also work diligently to prevent election interference from global adversaries and release clear evidence when it's available to hold bad actors accountable.
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