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2024 Bannock County Prosecuting Attorney

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  • Candidate picture

    Jennifer M. Call

  • Candidate picture

    Ian Johnson

  • Candidate picture

    Erin Tognetti

Biographical Information

What experience has prepared you for this office?

What do you hope to accomplish if elected?

What issues face the Bannock County Prosecutor and how do you propose to deal with these issues?

Is there anything else you wish to tell the voters?

Campaign Phone 208-478-4307
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I was born and raised in Pocatello. I am a wife, a mother, and have dedicated my career to public service. I graduated from Pocatello High School (2000), received my BA in Social Work from Idaho State University (2007), and received my Juris Doctorate from the University of Utah (2013). During law school I ran a free legal aid clinic, interned with the Salt Lake Legal Defenders, and worked for the Utah Attorney General’s Child Protection division. Since law school, I have been a public defender and a prosecutor for Bannock County and also worked for Idaho Legal Aid Services. I have prosecuted and defended dozens of criminal trials. My commitment to serve Bannock County residents is absolute. Visit for more information.
As a dedicated public servant to Bannock County for decades, I understand and share the community's frustrations when sex offenders, drug traffickers, and violent criminals receive minimal punishments that do not reflect the severity of their crimes. Our community deserves a justice system that imposes the tough penalties that society expects for these grievous offenses. It is crucial that we elect a prosecutor who is committed to genuine reform, thoughtful oversight, and a deeper respect for the voices of survivors. My platform is built on prioritizing violent crimes and those with victims, focusing our resources where they are needed most. Visit for more information.
I am experienced on both sides of the criminal justice system and am uniquely positioned to implement critical improvements. I will ensure a prosecutor is present at all initial appearances where bonds are set, improve survivor advocacy, and work with the Bannock County Commissioners to get the office fully staffed. I am committed to enhancing transparency across our operations, including clear communication about charging decisions, plea negotiations, and office activities. I will support a multifaceted approach in Bannock County that emphasizes prevention, rehabilitation, and support alongside traditional prosecution efforts. I am committed to creating a justice system in Bannock County that is reflective of our community’s values.
The pursuit of justice and community safety transcends partisan lines, embodying a universal desire for a secure place where our families can live free and where predatory behaviors are not tolerated. As a parent of a high schooler, I share the same concerns as many of you. When my son goes out into the community, I want to know he is safe, surrounded by people who uphold our shared values, not by whether they are Republican or Democrat. I have friends and family on both sides of the political spectrum, and when it comes down to it, all I want is for my family to be around good, safe people. I hope voters will see that the role of prosecutor is about upholding the law and ensuring safety, far beyond partisan lines.
Campaign Phone 2085897281
I have over 20 years of experience in both prosecuting and defending criminal cases. I am dedicated to upholding justice, ensuring public safety, and making a positive impact on the community. I have extensive experience in prosecuting felonies and misdemeanors. I have a reputation for being tough on crime and have a successful track record in handling criminal cases. I am committed to fighting for victims and safeguarding their rights while holding offenders accountable. My background as a defense attorney has provided valuable insights into the legal system, further enhancing my effectiveness as a prosecutor. I have experience in civil law litigation legal issues involving the city and county.
Creating a team environment with the goals of justice, protection of citizens and remedying injustice to aid those that are victims of crime is the purpose of the prosecutor. With stronger leadership and increased unity, I know that the Bannock County Prosecutor’s Office can be an incredible servant to the county. A better division of labor regarding the handling of criminal cases that includes cross training all attorneys and staff in all matters that come through the office. My goal is for every attorney to be prepared to litigate any type of case. I also want to increase the communication with the sheriff’s office, ultimately having an attorney regularly staffed at the Sheriff's Department to address day to day issues and concerns.
The Bannock County prosecutor faces significant challenges, primarily stemming from being understaffed, underpaid, and lacking a strong cohesive unit. Being understaffed puts immense pressure on existing personnel, leading to overworked staff and potential delays in case processing. The issue of being underpaid not only affects morale but also makes it difficult to attract and retain top legal talent. Moreover, without a cohesive unit, there can be communication gaps, inconsistencies in legal strategies, and a lack of team spirit, all of which can undermine the office's effectiveness. To address these issues, it's crucial to advocate for increased funding and this will allow for hiring more prosecutors.
As a lifelong Idaho resident and Bannock County resident for over 20 years I have a strong connection and relationship with the community. Having raised my family and now watching my sons raise theirs here drives my passion to making the community safe and better for everyone. My extensive legal background, dedication to the community, and unwavering commitment to justice, make me the ideal candidate for the position of Bannock County Prosecutor. I believe in open communication with the community and aim to foster a strong connection between the prosecutor's office and the public it serves. I am committed to fighting for those that cannot fight for themselves and protecting the residents of Bannock County.
Facebook page
Before becoming a lawyer, I spent ten years as the Research and Program Director for a Sacramento television station. There, I learned leadership, community outreach, and teambuilding. After graduating law school, I passed the California Bar exam and practiced civil law for six years before becoming a prosecutor in 2018. When I moved to Pocatello in 2021, I immediately began working with the Bannock County Prosecutor's Office as a Senior Deputy Prosecutor and have been handling the special victims caseload since I started with the office.
I have made a substantial impact on the community since my arrival by fiercely advocating for victims of crime, by taking cases to trial, and by fighting for lengthy prison sentences for child abusers. I believe I could accomplish even more by utilizing my passion and dedication to apply these policies throughout the Prosecutor's Office and, in turn, make the community safer.
Because I am already part of the Prosecutor’s Office, I recognize the challenges our office is facing – as are many prosecutor’s offices across the country – in recruiting attorneys to serve in these critical roles. To that end, I have already begun outreach efforts to law schools in the hopes of inspiring young lawyers to pursue careers in criminal justice.

I believe, as the elected prosecutor, I could foster a culture of respect for our responsibility to victims of crime and to our community.
I am passionate about the duty the Prosecutor’s Office has to fight for justice for victims of crime, work to make our community safer, and support our law enforcement officers.