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Idaho State Senate District 16

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  • Candidate picture

    LeeJoe Lay

  • Candidate picture

    Ali Rabe

Biographical Information

1. What do you hope to accomplish if elected?

2. What experience has prepared you for this office?

3 What do you see as the most significant challenges Idaho faces that you might be able to address in this position?

4. Would you support legislation to remove criminal liability for physicians and pregnant women experiencing life threatening pregnancy complications and allow for medical and family decisions regarding continuation of that pregnancy? Please explain your response.

5. Is there anything else you would like to tell the voters?

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I initially ran for office four years ago while working in the nonprofit sector. I saw firsthand how the state has an important role in addressing the housing challenges so many people face. During my time in the Legislature, I helped kickstart Idaho’s Workforce Housing Fund with $50 million. With it, developers created 1,100 units. Now that the fund has been expended, I will work to help it gain additional investments. I have also worked to pass three bi-partisan bills that help protect consumers and better serve people who are homeless or housing insecure. I hope to continue developing state-centered solutions to support communities’ efforts to prevent and end homelessness.
After ten years of working mostly in the nonprofit sector, I have learned to study both sides of every issue and engage stakeholders and partners in my decision-making. Having spent three sessions in the Senate, I have built strong relationships with legislators and have a demonstrated track record for passing bi-partisan legislation that tackles some of our state’s most pressing issues. I also take this role very seriously as an attorney: through representing veterans, the accused, people experiencing homelessness, and indigenous populations, I’ve seen how impactful the policy-maker’s role is, particularly at the state level.
One challenge is extremism in the Legislature, which has made it hard to focus on kitchen-table topics that actually affect Idahoans. I hope to continue to be a voice of reason and find ways to work on common-sense solutions to our most pressing issues. Population growth continues to strain our housing, transportation, and other infrastructure such as water, and I will continue to work with stakeholders to find solutions there. Our public schools also continue to struggle and the facilities money we recently secured won’t go far to meet our billions of dollars in deferred maintenance and needed construction. I will continue to strongly advocate for our public schools and their need for help at the state level beyond supplemental levies.
Yes, I would absolutely support doing this. It is unbelievable to me that women in Idaho can be forced to go through with a pregnancy that endangers their lives. Doctors are being forced to make impossible, dangerous decisions, and as a result, they are leaving the state. We need maternal care providers to be able to practice freely and without fear of criminal repercussions. I believe in every woman’s right to choose, but making exceptions for women’s health and safety is a move we must make at the bare minimum.
From growing up in rural Idaho, to working for the U.S. government and the nonprofit sector, I've learned the power of working with people from all types of backgrounds to get things done. Our state is facing many challenges right now, and I have enjoyed working with folks in our Capitol to tackle them. I hope to continue to bring my sincere desire to collaborate, strong policy background, and bias for action into the Legislature to address our highest-impact issues. There is simply no more time for drama; we have to find ways to work together to get things done to address issues that matter.