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Oregon State Senate District 2

The state Senate and House of Representatives are responsible for making or changing laws and determining the state s budget. Thirty Senators serve in the state Senate. The size of their district is based on the number of people living there. The Oregon state Legislature meets for a long session in odd-numbered years and a short session in even-numbered years. Salary: $35,052 plus a per-diem stipend. To run for state Senate a candidate must be a U.S. citizen, age 21 or older, a registered voter, and resident in the district for at least 1 year prior to the General Election.Term: 4 years. This position is partisan.

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  • Candidate picture

    Christine Goodwin

  • Candidate picture

    Noah Robinson

  • Candidate picture

    Tracy Thompson

Biographical Information

Describe your one or two most pressing issues for the 2025 legislative session. What legislation would you propose or support to address these issues?

What should the Legislature do to improve the quality of Oregon's K-12 public schools?

What role, if any, would you support for the state legislature to play in addressing income inequality in Oregon?

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Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Phone (public) 541-450-9523
Web Site (leave blank if not applicable)
Town Where You Live Cave Junction
Your Experience/Qualifications Bachelors Degree Southern Oregon University (Chemistry - Earned in 2 years), PhD Caltech (Chemistry), Research Scientist Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, Assistant to Senator Art Robinson
County Senate District 2
Term 2025
Term Expires 2029
Our country was founded on the principles of personal liberty and freedom. I will work to minimize bureaucratic control over individuals and businesses so they can prosper.

Drug abuse is a major issue. We need to completely repeal measure 110 and prosecute drug dealers. Deadly drugs are flooding our streets (to a large extent coming through open borders and illegal immigration). We need stronger recriminalization for the use of drugs and much stronger prosecution of drug dealers.

The measure 110 "fix" (HB4002) may help, but recriminalization that does not allow the drug users to go to jail unless they agree, is hardly a strong enough deterrent.
The easiest way to improve the schools is simply to return them to local control. State and union involvement has not been helpful. The schools should be controlled by the local school boards (who are elected by the parents). With multiple agencies currently in charge, no-one has real responsibility. If the school boards are completely in charge, parents will make sure the schools function correctly.

My Dad's SB1534 and 1535, which I intend to reintroduce next year, will also help.
The best solution is to remove onerous government bureaucracy that restricts the ability of businesses to be productive.

Housing prices in Oregon are also absurd. It is the single largest expense for many Oregonians. This problem will not be solved with government sponsored low-income housing or similar solutions.

The problem is entirely government created. Government rules make the building of houses extremely expensive. Land supply on which to build these houses is restricted by the state legislature.

It is absurd that with advances in technology and productivity the price of housing is still so high.

The solution to this problem is more freedom so that home builders can compete and build houses in the most economical way possible.
Campaign Phone (public) 6504405093
Web Site (leave blank if not applicable)
Town Where You Live Grants Pass
Your Experience/Qualifications Science Policy advisor to New Zealand Government; BS Biochemistry; Biotechnology entrepreneur
County OR
Term 2024
Term Expires 2028
The two most critical issues I am focused on are 1) healthcare and propose Oregon pursue the 'Medicare' for all legislation that currently being considered. Healthcare is a human right and we should be leading the world in providing care for our citizens. The second issue is poverty and I want to see legislation that encourages small business formation and entrepreneurship to help lift people out of poverty, which is a primary driver of other chronic issues i.e. homelessness, crime, addiction, etc.
The one size fits all approach to education does not work. Learning styles are different. I would like to see a return to multi track education where students, rather than being taught for optimal test scores, are taught to develop their inherent talents. Bring back shop classes so that a 'trade' track is as viable as a 'university' track. This follows successful European models and avoid the excessive fees of a non-performing university education currently promoted by for profit colleges.
I am in favor of 'passive' forms of income being taxed at normal income rates. Advantaged tax status serves to increase income inequality and those most at risk shoulder the largest tax burden relative to income. I also would like to see a minimum wage in the State that enables everyone to live with dignity and not require to supplement with income with additional public subsidies. i would also support Community College tax credits for workers to gain specific job related skills so that educational costs are not an impediment to job training.