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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Oregon US House District 2

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments, and serve on committees. Together with the U.S. Senate, the House is responsible for passing the annual budget of the United States. To qualify, a candidate must be U.S. citizen for at least 7 years, a registered voter, and an inhabitant of state at time of election. Salary: $174,000Term: 2 years. This position is partisan.

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  • Candidate picture

    Jason Beebe

  • Candidate picture

    Cliff Bentz

  • Candidate picture

    Steve William Laible

  • Candidate picture

    Dan Ruby

Biographical Information

How would you change Social Security to improve its long-term viability?

What changes in national immigration policy, if any, would you support?

What changes, if any, would you support in Congress to address the issue of climate change?

YouTube Video (leave blank if not applicable)
Town Where You Live Prineville
Your Experience/Qualifications I have served on the Prineville City Council for 13 years, 3 of those as Mayor
Campaign Twitter Handle @BeebeForOregon
County Crook
Term 2025
Term Expires 2026
I would like to lock social security from elected officials using it as a fund for everything in our spending bills. Social Security was paid for by all the people who are required to do so from their income and then the government spends money that isn't theirs to spend. I would do everything I could to put a lock on it to stop legislators from accessing it.
We have laws that are not followed now that need to be. I would not change anything, but would rather we start enforcing the policy we have.
I would support government staying out of regulating industry and more towards guidance. Yes we need regulations to a point, but the people in government aren't there to do as they please, they are there to support the will of the people.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Contact Phone 541-471-1234
Campaign Phone (public) 541-471-1234
Web Site (leave blank if not applicable)
Town Where You Live Grants Pass
Your Experience/Qualifications See Résumé to Serve at website:
County Josephine
Term 2025
Term Expires 2026
My immediate vision for "America the Beautiful" is to end homelessness and encampments ruining our quality of lives.

Ending property taxes after the initial home purchase escrow/ closing & so much more!

Buy my book on Amazon, America the Beautiful. Royalty proceeds go toward funding my campaign.

The remaining 29-years of property taxes are tax FREE, thereby boosting your monthly disposable income. shares the candidate's vision for several funding paradigm shifts, including an innovative funding idea to enhance Social Security for future generations, lowering retirement to 59, so you can celebrate a bigger/bighter life with a fully-funded retirement account worth millions of dollars. See Brainstorming page/
Inside the Box thinking: Build a wall. Dumb! Impractical. Wholly inefficient, ineffective, and a waste of your money. This is a horrible mindset and it's racists. Brown people are stigmatized and stereotyped. US/Canada wall doesn't exist! Imagine that. Outside the Box thinking: Reverse Migration is the BEST! Hello. People, aka human beings only want to live in peace & safety. Why are we still killing people in wars. It's 2024 for the love of Mike. See See
My role as a Rep, YOUR Rep, is NOT to go to Wash DC with my own agendas. Somehow that message is lost on many, if not most members. My only job is to represent constituents. Personally, I proudly participated in the first Earth Day in 1970! I jogged six (6) miles to and back from my Marshfield High School. Other kids road their horses, etc. My goodness, who wouldn't want to take care of our planet? You get that we are ALL in space, right? Outter space! Our planet is in orbit. We need to take great care in our life source. Even if it inconvenices us to some degree. Maybe we ought not have 100,000+ daily airline flights buzzing our planet. 365 × 100K. Imagine the fuel emissions landing in our lungs, on our farms, agriculture.
Web Site (leave blank if not applicable)
Town Where You Live Ashland
Your Experience/Qualifications My career has been in education at the K-12 and college levels, and I have experience as a nonprofit leader in healthcare and housing.
Campaign Twitter Handle @ruby4or
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Climate change is a major threat to our national and global well-being; I would work on and support legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote alternative energy and transportation infrastructure and workforce, and educate students and the public in science.