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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Santa Fe County Commissioner District 4

Four-year term. Must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the district from which elected. The person in this office, together with other members of the County Commission is responsible for County government budget, County ordinances and resolutions, and zoning and business regulation in unincorporated areas, and sets policy for the operations of County government.Comisión del Condado--Mandato de cuatro años. Debe tener al menos 18 años de edad y ser residente del distrito en el que ha sido elegido. La persona que ocupa este cargo, junto con otros miembros de la Comisión del Condado, es responsable del presupuesto del gobierno del condado, de las ordenanzas y resoluciones del condado y de la zonificación y regulación de negocios en las áreas no incorporadas, y establece la política para las operaciones del gobierno del condado.

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    Adam Fulton Johnson

Biographical Information

1. How have your education and experience prepared you for this position?

2. What would be your priorities for the county?

3. What public health policies need attention in the county?

4. How would you propose to balance growth with water needs in an increasingly arid county?

Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 505-603-6468
Campaign Website
Occupation Executive Director of local nonprofit
I grew up in Santa Fe and now raise my family here. Both my Masters (MIT) and PhD (Michigan) analyze New Mexico culture and history. I am currently director of a preservation nonprofit and lead programs in education, land use advocacy, and community service. My background in preservation makes me well versed in the responsibilities of local government and I will ensure our County continues to provide quality services. In addition to advocacy of affordable housing and short term rental limitations, I sit on the City’s land code update committee, ensuring we develop our area in a smart, sustainable, and culturally-sensitive way. I have proven leadership on legislative and quality of life issues, and I’m running to keep Santa Fe special.
First, water sustainability through surface water acquisition at the County level and residential incentives like free rain barrels and gray water system credits. Second, fire and hazard mitigation and preparedness, including neighborhood plans supported by County staff. Third, a renewable energy economy, including bilingual training to access Inflation Reduction Act dollars. Fourth, affordable and water-friendly housing built along existing or planned infrastructure (not on wells), paired with sustainability incentives and “green” architectural design standards. Finally, cultural and natural heritage preservation through the protection of historic communities and long-standing traditions, sacred open spaces, and regional trail systems.
Policies that affect where we live, work, play, and find meaning will best address the County’s public health issues: mental and behavioral health support, access to healthcare services, and the climate crisis. Access to adequate and safe housing is key to good health. For our low-income and housing insecure residents, prioritizing investments in affordable housing development and permanent supportive housing will improve overall well-being and mental health. Expansion and improvement of links between neighborhoods, bike paths, hiking trails, and public open spaces have health and climate benefits. We also must enhance the services and infrastructure that connect rural residents to healthcare and support county residents as they age.
We need to identify surface water resources, which (unlike wells) are renewable, and base our 50-year projected carrying capacity on these renewable resources. First, we need strong, diplomatic leadership to continue the City-County partnership on Buckman Direct Diversion, which delivers surface water to Santa Fe. Second, we need to expand our water infrastructure to deliver surface water to more homes, decreasing our reliance on groundwater, which is much more of an unknown. Third, we must bolster climate-smart agriculture and support our agricultural community in transitioning away from water-intensive farming. Finally, we need to incentivize residential sustainability through rebates on efficient appliances and free smart water meters.