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NM State Representative District 37

In addition to other duties prescribed by law, representatives enact “reasonable and appropriate laws,” represent the constituents of their district, and serve on standing or interim committees. The legislature meets each year beginning in January. In odd-numbered years, it meets for 60 days; in even-numbered years, it meets for 30 days. The Governor may call special sessions. Candidates must be at least 21 years old and must be a resident of the district from which elected. They serve a two-year term. Representatives do not receive a salary, but they do receive a pre-set per diem and mileage; there is also a pension program for legislators serving a minimum period.Cámara de Representantes de Nuevo MéxicoAdemás de otras obligaciones prescritas por la ley, los representantes promulgan leyes razonables y apropiadas , representan a los electores de su distrito y sirven en comités permanentes o interinos. La legislatura se reúne cada año a partir de enero. En los años impares, se reúne durante 60 días; en los años pares, se reúne durante 30 días. El gobernador puede convocar sesiones especiales. Los candidatos deben tener al menos 21 años de edad y deben ser residentes del distrito donde fueron elegidos. Tienen mandatos de dos años. Los representantes no reciben un salario, pero sí reciben un pago preestablecido por viáticos; también existe un programa de pensión para legisladores que cumplen con un periodo mínimo de servicio.

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    Joanne J Ferrary

Biographical Information

1. What skills, education and prior experiences qualify you for this office?

2. If elected, what are your highest priorities?

3. What changes, if any, need to be made in the tax structure of the state?

4. What would you propose to diversify New Mexico’s economy and promote sustainable economic growth?

5. What reforms would you support to improve New Mexico’s educational ranking?

Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 575-649-1231
Campaign Website
Occupation Retired
My educational background is in Social Marketing with an MBA from NMSU. My work experiences as a Planner Director for traffic safety issues and as a community organizer have helped me to understand how to develop relationships with leaders and communities to drive policy on issues to improve health, education and living conditions for all New Mexicans.
To reduce alcohol and nicotine use with increased taxes and to provide funding for underage use prevention, treatment, media awareness and enforcement.

I support the Environmental Rights, Act to be adopted into our State Constitution aka, The Green Amendment, so that everyone’s right to clean air, water and soil will be considered at every level of government in their decision making process.

I also support changes needed for guardianship protections such as Supported Decision Making as a tool to support people with disabilities without their having to give up their right for self determination.

We need to continue and increase the child tax credit so that families can have more disposable income.

We also need to increase the alcohol and nicotine excise taxes so we can reduce their use as well as direct funds for prevention and treatment.

We need to increase the Oil and Gas severance tax to equalize with Texas and increase funds.
Our investment in solar, wind and geothermal will help to grow clean energy jobs as well as diversify our energy production and improve our environment. Continued investment in education, apprenticeships and internships will help grow our workforce that is so desperately needed and that will help attract businesses to locate to NM.
Continued salary and benefit increases for teachers and staff will attract more people to those positions and help to reduce class sizes. All schools should be Community Schools providing wrap around services for students and families and help to reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences that interfere with learning.