NM State Senator District 25
In addition to other duties prescribed by law, senators enact “reasonable and appropriate laws,” represent the constituents of their district, and serve on standing or interim committees. The legislature meets each year beginning in January. In odd-numbered years, it meets for 60 days; in even-numbered years, it meets for 30 days. The Governor may call special sessions. Candidates must be at least 25 years old and must be a resident of the district from which elected. They serve a four-year term. Senators do not receive a salary, but they do receive a pre-set per diem.Senado de New MexicoAdemás de otros deberes prescritos por la ley, los senadores promulgan “leyes razonables y apropiadas”, representan a los electores de su distrito y sirven en comités permanentes o interinos. La legislatura se reúne cada año a partir de enero. En los años impares, se reúne durante 60 días; en los años pares, se reúne durante 30 días. El gobernador puede convocar sesiones especiales. Los candidatos deben tener al menos 25 años de edad y deben ser residentes del distrito de donde fueron elegidos. Sirven para un mandato de cuatro años. Los senadores no reciben un salario, pero reciben un pago preestablecido por día.
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Peter Wirth
1. What prior experience and/or education have prepared you for this position?
2. Why are you running for this position?
3. What would be your priorities for the next session?
4. What, if any, changes to New Mexico’s tax structure would you support?
Twenty years in the Legislature. Four years in the state House representing HD 47. Sixteen years in the state Senate representing SD 25. Senate Majority Leader since 2017.
To give Santa Fe a strong voice in the Legislature and to continue my pragmatic leadership for our state.
Water, tax reform and informed fiscal insight and responsibility.
Continue to close tax loopholes and work for more progressivity in the tax code.
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