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NM State Senator District 05

There are 42 members in the New Mexico Senate. All seats will be filled in the 2024 election. In addition to other duties prescribed by law, senators enact “reasonable and appropriate laws,” represent the constituents of their district, and serve on standing or interim committees. The legislature meets each year beginning in January. In odd-numbered years, it meets for 60 days; in even-numbered years, it meets for 30 days. The Governor may call special sessions. Candidates must be at least 25 years old and must be a resident of the district from which elected. They serve a four-year term. Senators do not receive a salary, but they do receive a pre-set per diem.Senado de New MexicoAdemás de otros deberes prescritos por la ley, los senadores promulgan “leyes razonables y apropiadas”, representan a los electores de su distrito y sirven en comités permanentes o interinos. La legislatura se reúne cada año a partir de enero. En los años impares, se reúne durante 60 días; en los años pares, se reúne durante 30 días. El gobernador puede convocar sesiones especiales. Los candidatos deben tener al menos 25 años de edad y deben ser residentes del distrito de donde fueron elegidos. Sirven para un mandato de cuatro años. Los senadores no reciben un salario, pero reciben un pago preestablecido por día.

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    Leo Jaramillo

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How can New Mexico improve access to physical and mental health care services?

What legislation would you support to reduce violent crime and improve public safety?

How can we protect New Mexico's economic future considering the reduced availability of water?

Do you support a paid legislature and/or longer legislative sessions? Why or why not?

What are the biggest problems facing New Mexico? How can they be addressed?

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There are so many New Mexicans who do not have adequate access to healthcare and others who are finding themselves in medical debt. As a legislature, we need to expand and protect access to healthcare, including protecting pre-existing conditions, while also keeping out-of-pocket healthcare costs down. When it comes to mental heath care, we need to treat it as we do physical health care. We need to embed behavioral health care specialists within the primary care setting.
I would support legislation which prioritize rehabilitation programs to improve safety. Legislation which would establish incentives for eligible incarcerated individuals to participate in job and educational training, which has been proven not only to better prepare people leaving prison for the workforce, but also to reduce recidivism, save taxpayer dollars, and increase public safety. States like Minnesota and Ohio have seen an up to 20 percent drop in recidivism for people who participated.
The state needs to develop a strategy which will require coordination with local, tribal, and federal partners to assist in developing new water through recycling and desalination while also improving all water management actions with better data, forecasting, conveyance, and administration of water rights. I believe it is critical that New Mexico must invest in water recycling projects.
I support a paid legislature and served as the Senate Sponsor of the house bill two years ago which proposed a constitutional amendment which would provide legislative salaries. I believe that a paid legislature would make elected office more accessible to people of limited economic means which would help us diversify the House and Senate. I also support a longer legislative session. Longer session would allocate adequate time to write, debate and pass new laws.
Affordable housing is a major issue we are facing in New Mexico. We must continue to invest in the Casa Connection Grant Program which provides housing for vulnerable populations, addressing homelessness and removing barriers to affordable housing. Fentanyl is also a major crisis; Increase access to mental health care and in preventing and treating opioid addiction, with funding for community-based prevention and treatment efforts, expanding health care instructor, and harm reduction services.