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State Senator, District 3

The Indiana State Senate is the upper chamber of the Indiana General Assembly. Alongside the Indiana House of Representatives, it forms the legislative branch of the Indiana state government and works alongside the governor of Indiana to creat laws and establish a state budget. Legislative authority and responsibilities of the Indiana State Senate include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising, and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.

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  • Candidate picture

    Will Miller

  • Candidate picture

    Mark Spencer

Biographical Information

Please describe what you see as the top policy challenge in Indiana and how you plan to respond to it, if elected.

If elected, how will you balance supporting jobs and industry while improving the quality of our air and water for Northwest Indiana residents?

With the recent rise of AI usage, what can be done to maintain the security and integrity of our election infrastructure?

How would you rate education in your priorities?

If elected, what would you do to promote equity in education?

Lake County ranks lower than the state in mental health wellness, both for adults and youth. If elected, what steps can be taken to improve the mental health of our residents?

What else would you like to share with us?

We have a need to educate our youth and prepare them for the future. This issue if addressed properly will impact areas of small business, economic development. The tax base of numerous areas become more secure if and when it is is done properly. The key is a diversified approach to the growing certification and job opportunities.
Candidate has not yet responded.
This new age is so revolutionary that we must truly marvel at the benefit while deeply thinking about the impact on the human capital that it may replace. I believe innovation and epic growth in small business sector is the key to successful transitions of historic proportion could be our next step.
Very unimportant
Somewhat unimportant
Neither important nor unimportant
Somewhat important
Very important
We really need to start with basics in the early learning model. Research has proven that the more structures and supportive services that we provide we start with very positive gains that can be built upon.
These are issues that we need to have a greater understanding of how to approach them. Because of my awareness in relation to overall healthcare. I understand the need to 1. have coverage that covers these issues and 2. Address the stigma behind mental health awareness. Our overall wellness is also addressed with the willingness to display steadiness and care concerning each other's thoughts and existence.
Understanding and relationship are keys to our future and these aspects are what I intend to bring to the table when it comes to our District 3 true honest loving leadership.
Campaign Website
Campaign Phone Number 2198859172
Years in an elected position 1/2 year
I would consider education to be my top policy challenge. I would advocate for equitable distribution of educational resources and addressing disparities.
Candidate has not yet responded.
I would advocate for technology to be used to protect databases and voting devices from attacks from the cyber universe.
Very unimportant
Somewhat unimportant
Neither important nor unimportant
Somewhat important
Very important
If elected, I would ensure that all elementary schools would have equal access to resources and infrastructure. I would advocate for equitable distribution of educational resources and addressing disparities.
If elected, I would offer an approach that includes increasing access to mental health services by offering additional funds to mental heath organizations and community health centers. Also, I would ramp up media campaigns in order to help de-stigmatize negative perceptions of mental illness.
I want the citizens to know that I am committed to representing their interests and working toward a brighter future for the community of Lake County,district three.