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Pennsylvania US Representative District 5

Description of office: The US Constitution requires that the House of Representatives be composed of Representatives from each state, elected in proportion to population. There are 435 members of the House of Representatives, with 17 Representatives allotted to Pennsylvania after the 2020 census. A US Representative must be at least 25 years old, have been a citizen of the United States for the past seven years, and be a resident of the state they seek to represent at the time of the election (though not necessarily the same district). The House of Representatives is responsible for introducing and voting on bills, resolutions and amendments, and for approving the budget. Representatives also serve on various policy committees. The House may send Articles of Impeachment of elected officials to the Senate and elects the President if there is a tie in the Electoral College.Term: 2 yearsSalary: $174,000Vote for ONE.

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  • Candidate picture

    Mary Gay Scanlon

  • Candidate picture

    Alfeia Goodwin

Biographical Information

What do you see as the most pressing issues facing the country, and how would you address them?

What changes, if any, would you support that would help Congress function more efficiently and effectively?

What legislation would you support to protect voting rights and safeguard access to free and fair elections?

How do you view the role of the US in responding to challenges facing the international community?

County Delaware
Occupation Member of Congress
Education Colgate University, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Qualifications Member of Congress
X Handle @marygayscanlon
Attacks on reproductive rights and voting rights must be stopped. We need to pass legislation codifying protections for reproductive care and update our voting rights legislation, including through bills like the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
End gerrymandering and protect voting rights.
John Lewis Voting Rights Act, at a minimum
The United States must continue to be the moral center of the international community and live up to the promises we gave all our allies.
County Delaware
Occupation Public School Educator, United States Army Reservist, Small Business Owner (Follow Your Bliss, LLC, Tiny homes for Homeless Veterans).
Education Walden University, PH. D in Public Policy and Administration (SME Terrorism Mediation, and Peace) dissertation on "Restorative Justice and Recidivism, Non-Violent Offenders", Master's, Walden University in PPA (SME, Strategic Planning) Master's, LTSP, BA Thomas Edison
Qualifications Retired Philadelphia Police Officer, Army Veteran of 23 years, Public School Educator, scholar on public policy, and administration, advocate for children and parents.
Campaign Website
There's a triune of pressing issues facing the country, let's start with chaos at the border, crime at records levels, and a weaponized justice system. We need, the American people deserve, order at the border. Legal immigration has worked well for America in the past, what we have is a nightmare, shut it down. As a former Philadelphia police officer, I understand we've got to instill public confidence and trust in law enforcement. Does that make law enforcement perfect, a hard no, however, it does mean that as a representative in congress, we must show, we are willing to work with law enforcement, as opposed to protesting, pushing law enforcement professionals out of our cities. De-weaponize justice, stop lawfare, bring crime records down.
Term limits
1. Voter identification is essential and a basic requirement for the maintenance of any measure of a hybrid of civility, and free and fair elections. 2. I support American citizenship "at least 1 month prior " to the availability of voting in US elections, including "residence prior to voting, in the voting district".
Ideally, the role of the United States of America is to act as a mediator of peace, and to bring democracy to the world, including but not limited to an influence in policy, where it is needed.