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Pennsylvania US Senator

Description of office: The US Constitution prescribes that the Senate be composed of 100 members (two Senators from each state). One third of the total membership of the Senate is elected every two years. A Senator must be at least 30 years of age, a citizen of the United States for at least nine years and be a resident of the State from which s/he is chosen at the time of the election. Senators write and vote in favor of or against final bills and serve on various policy committees. The Senate has several exclusive powers not granted to the House including advice/consent on presidential nominations and treaties and conducting the trial of federal officials impeached by the House.Term: 6 yearsSalary: $174,000Vote for ONE.

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    Robert P. Casey, Jr.

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    Dave McCormick

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    John C. Thomas

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    Leila Hazou

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    Marty Selker

Biographical Information

What do you see as the most pressing issues facing the country, and how would you address them?

What changes, if any, would you support that would help Congress function more efficiently and effectively?

What legislation would you support to protect voting rights and safeguard access to free and fair elections?

How do you view the role of the US in responding to challenges facing the international community?

County Lackawanna
Occupation U.S. Senator
Education B.A. College of the Holy Cross and J.D. Catholic University of America
Qualifications Senator Bob Casey is one of Pennsylvania’s two sitting senators and has a record of delivering for Pennsylvanians. He has helped create thousands of good-paying jobs in the Commonwealth, lowered costs for families and seniors, secured our rights, and fought for Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable.
Campaign Website
X Handle @Bob_Casey
I’m fighting for our rights, lower costs for working families, economic freedom for workers, and our country’s children, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities. I see each of these fights as critical for our country. I’ve supported legislation to defend democracy, protect a woman’s right to choose, and a worker’s right to organize. I’m holding big corporations accountable for greedflation and raising prices on working people while they rake in record profits. I’ve helped pass legislation that will create tens of thousands of new jobs in Pennsylvania and saved pensions for tens of thousands of workers. I also helped pass the PACT to provide care to veterans who have suffered aftering being exposed to toxic burn pits.
I support increasing ethical standards in Washington and reducing conflicts of interest to hold government officials to the high standards that Americans expect of them. I’m an original co-sponsor of the For The People Act, which would increase restrictions on coordination between Super PACs and candidates. I also co-sponsored and helped pass the Stock Act, which banned members of Congress from trading stocks based on non-public information and I back efforts to stop members from trading stocks entirely. I believe all of these steps aimed at increasing transparency and accountability will help make our Congress work better for Americans. I will continue to fight for greater transparency in politics.
I am working hard to protect the fundamental right to vote from extreme MAGA Republicans across the country who are trying to erect new barriers to voting. I co-sponsored the Freedom to Vote Act to ensure every American can access the ballot box on an equal basis, including by setting minimum standards for early and mail voting, modernizing voter registration, and ending partisan gerrymandering. I am also an original co-sponsor of the John Lewis Votings Rights Advancement Act, which would ensure that voters in states with a history of voting rights violations have equal access to voting as all other Americans. In addition, I sponsored the Accessible Voting Act of 2021 to make it easier for seniors and those living with a disability to vote.
I believe we must protect our interests abroad with diplomatic engagement, working with allies, and foreign assistance, coupled with our national security apparatus. Our Nation is currently facing immense national security challenges, including competing with China, combating climate change alongside global allies, fighting terrorism, countering Russia’s aggression, supporting our ally in Israel and providing humanitarian aid in Gaza, and combating the threat of nuclear terrorism. I have worked to address these challenges as a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, where I have pursued a national security strategy that protects our interests, promotes human rights throughout the world, and supports those who serve our country.
County Allegheny
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Candidate has not yet responded.
County Armstrong
Occupation Educator
Education Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Qualifications Dedication to Liberty
X Handle @JohnThomasPA
The most pressing issue is the loss of liberty due to the ever increasing size of the federal government. We lose economic liberties when the government prints money, devaluing our currency. We lose civil liberties when the government works with tech companies to police speech. We lose personal liberties when the government spies on us. This process is accelerated by America’s involvement in foreign wars.

We address these problems by getting back to the Constitution. The only wars America should be involved in are those posing a direct threat, declared by Congress. The only spending should be that directly authorized by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. Every Amendment, especially those of the Bill of Rights, should be protected.
The United States Senate is a cartel of political elites, focused on extracting power and wealth from regular Americans and giving it to their cronies. I do not want them to be efficient or effective. We need Senators who are willing to slow the process. I will do all that I can to block the legislation elites use to make Washington more powerful at the expense of Pennsylvanians' liberty. As long as the Senate is controlled by elites of the two major political parties, we should work to make them as inefficient as possible.
Elections are a state issue. I am running for a federal office. I would block any legislation that would strip states of their rights to determine how to run elections. I would prefer that Pennsylvania pass voter ID laws, so every legal vote counts, and no votes are offset by illegal votes. However, I am not running for the PA legislature, so that is just the personal opinion of a PA citizen.
The US is too involved in internal affairs of foreign states. United States Senators should be focused on getting America to be less involved in international affairs. Pennsylvanians are going broke, as our resources are making foreign bureaucrats rich. I would work to keep resources here in PA, so that we can be peaceful and prosperous.
County Pike
Occupation Business Owner
Education MBA
Qualifications A concerned American that wants to see change for the good of the people.
Campaign Website
X Handle @@LeilaForSenate
The economy - we need to stop funding wars across the globe and spend our money here at home. Human rights - everyone deserves basic human rights and all people must have total control over their own bodies and their health. The environment - we need to move away from fossil fuels and build clean energy infrastructure. Healthcare and housing - every American should have healthcare and housing. If we stop spending $800 billion per year in defense, we can easily guarantee this.
Remove money from our politics. Corporate and special interest lobby money shouldn’t determine policy.
We need to pass the John Lewis Act to modernize and revitalize the Voting Rights Act by strengthening legal protections against discriminatory voting policies. We need to ensure that our technology and methods are secure so that voters have confidence in election outcomes.
The US needs to be a model for peace, not for endless wars and regime change.
County Clarion
Occupation Truck Driver
X Handle @Selkerforsenate
The most pressing issues facing our country are the erosion of constitutional liberties, fiscal irresponsibility, and federal overreach. As your U.S. Senator, I will fight to restore our rights to free speech, religious freedom, and the Second Amendment, while cutting wasteful federal spending and balancing the budget. I'll work to return power to the states, allowing them to manage their own affairs without intrusive federal interference.
To make Congress function more efficiently and effectively, I would support several key changes. First, implementing term limits for members of Congress would reduce career politicians' influence and encourage fresh perspectives. Second, I advocate for a return to a strict adherence to the Constitution, ensuring that legislation is within the federal government's enumerated powers. Third, reducing the size and scope of government by eliminating unnecessary agencies and programs would streamline congressional focus. Lastly, I would push for transparency and accountability, ensuring that bills are thoroughly reviewed and understood before being passed, allowing for informed decision-making and reducing wasteful legislation.
To protect voting rights and ensure free and fair elections, I would support legislation that upholds the integrity of the electoral process while safeguarding individual liberties. This includes implementing voter ID laws to prevent fraud, ensuring that all eligible voters have access to identification. Additionally, I advocate for measures that enhance transparency, such as requiring paper ballots or secure, verifiable electronic systems. I also support decentralizing election oversight, empowering states to manage their own processes without undue federal interference, thereby preserving the integrity of each state's election system.
I believe the role of the U.S. in responding to international challenges should be grounded in a policy of non-interventionism and respect for national sovereignty. Our focus should be on maintaining a strong national defense to protect our own borders while avoiding entangling alliances and unnecessary foreign conflicts. The U.S. should prioritize diplomacy and trade over military intervention, seeking peaceful solutions that respect the rights of other nations to govern themselves. By leading through example, promoting liberty, and supporting free markets, we can positively influence the world without imposing our will through force.