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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Pataskala-2-B-Central Committee

The Central Committee governs the party and is comprised of one member from each voting precinct within the county. Central Committee members are responsible for maintaining good communication with voters in their precinct by organizing get out the vote efforts, identifying potential candidates for elected office in their precinct, and participating regularly in County Party activities.

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  • Candidate picture

    Jerika Lin Zuckerman

Biographical Information

What skills and experience do you bring to fullfilling the responsibilities of Central Committee representative for your precinct?

What do you see as the most important points of your party's platform?

How will you communicate these to party members and to the public?

Campaign Mailing Address 6368 Summit Rd SW
Pataskala, OH 43062
Campaign Email
Current job (10 words) CEO of Zuckerman's Pest Management
Education (30 words) High School, Real Estate, Associate Certified Entomologist
Work experience/qualifications (60 words) Buisness Owner, Former Member of the Wards & Bounds Commission for Pataskala City & Homeschool Educator
contact email
I bring a strong commitment to conservative principles, political activism, effective communication and organizational skills, collaborative teamwork experience, and an understanding of local issues. My track record demonstrates my dedication to advancing the Republican agenda at the precinct level.
Limited government, individual liberty, free-market capitalism, national security, traditional values, law and order, fiscal responsibility, education reform and freedom, and border security.
To effectively communicate the Republican Party platform, I will:

Engage in local events and town halls. Use social media for broad outreach. Share regular newsletters with updates. Utilize media interviews and op-eds. Conduct educational workshops and webinars. Collaborate with party leaders for a unified voice. Door-to-door campaigning for direct connections. Create visual aids for easy comprehension. Maintain a strong online presence. Organize town hall meetings for open dialogue.