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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Select Board Who Shall Also Serve As The Town Agent {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

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  • Candidate picture

    Colette Emma Aufranc

  • Candidate picture

    Marjorie R. Freiman

  • Candidate picture

    Ann-Mara S. Lanza

  • Candidate picture

    Odessa M.B. Sanchez

Biographical Information

Why are you running for this office? What are your top priorities?

Relevant Experience Select Board Vice Chair, Town Meeting Member, Chartered Accountant, 12 years with PWC, Audit Cttee
FirstName Colette
firstname Aufranc
Zipcode 02482
Campaign Phone 6176339650
I have spent over three years on the Select Board working on several finance, policy and transportation initiatives for the Town - I want to continue and build on that work. My goals include partnering with the new finance director to continue critical financial planning and policy updates - I am the only accountant serving on the Board; implementing the Board's plan for a Transportation and Mobility Manager focused on transportation and traffic - this would institutionalize the work I have been doing for three years in transportation and increase the potential for more grant funding; and building and retaining our excellent staff - hiring a fire chief and police chief and supporting the work of the Town’s Human Resources Department to review the job compensation and classification system.
Relevant Experience 6 yrs Select Board (3 yrs as Chair); 3 yrs Advisory Committee (incl. as Chair); 12 yrs Town Meeting
FirstName Marjorie
firstname Freiman
Zipcode 02482
incumbent no
Campaign Phone 7817184905
I served on the Select Board and Advisory Committee, and am a TMM. I helped reenergize a Town housing board and convene facilitated dialogues to build community and improve public conversation. My experience as an attorney, small business owner, and educator are well suited to the Board’s important work, and I will model open-minded, respectful, and transparent communication on all issues and policies. Plan prudently to optimize Town finances and protect reserves; Hire a new Finance Director and Fire Chief; Implement the Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; Complete DEI Equity Audit and Housing Task Force’s Strategic Housing Plan; Update HR policies to reduce staff turnover; Expand smart growth; Implement Hazard Mitigation Plan; and Finalize Town Hall renovations.
Relevant Experience MBA, Wharton; 3 yrs-Select Board;13 yrs-Library Trustee; 10 yrs-Twn Mtg Mbr
FirstName Ann-Mara
Zipcode 02481
incumbent Yes
I have used my background, experience, & strategic perspective to be an invaluable member of the Select Board, leveraging my financial acumen to secure Wellesley’s future, & my collaborative leadership style to connect people to solve problems. My passion for Wellesley began with schools & library, & expanded to sustainability, housing, mental health, & thriving retail districts. Co-founded Building A Better Wellesley/serve on the DEI & Housing Task Forces. Led strategic planning/budgeting for Wellesley Free Library. Co-chaired effort to save the branch libraries for future generations. My priorities: 1) housing affordability, for seniors/young families/workforce, with new Strategic Housing Plan, 2) fiscal planning to enable first-rate schools/town services, and 3) addressing GHG emissions
Relevant Experience Town Meeting Member-2years, Chair of Wellesley Housing Authority Board, MCSW Commissioner
FirstName Odessa
firstname Sanchez
Zipcode 02481
incumbent candidate
Campaign Phone 8572336583
I'm running for Select Board because I care a great deal about this community and the citizens who live, work, and attend school here. I have experience collaborating ideas and groups to get things done, and make a positive difference. If I'm elected, my top priorities are to revitalize the branding of Wellesley into a town that exudes pride and appeal. Giving our visitors and potential buyers, renters and merchants more reasons to make Wellesley a number one choice. I have financial common sense to evaluate past and future projects for efficiency, and I'll give all funding proposals a keen eye. Another goal I have is to encourage town government to be leaders in historical preservation, while finding creative ways to expand town accessibility and reduce the barriers some residents face.