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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Ohio State House District 13

**The information on this page reflects Ohio s new State Senate and State House districts that determine elections in 2024 and go into effect in 2025, which may be different from your current districts.

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  • Candidate picture

    Robert E. Dintaman

  • Candidate picture

    Tristan Rader

Biographical Information

What are your top priorities and how will you address them?

What changes do you support or oppose to voting and elections policy?

How should government bring economic and job opportunities to Ohio?

What are your aspirations for K-12 and higher education?

Under what circumstances should the state support or check local government?

State your position on healthcare policy.

State your position on environmental policy and natural resource management?

What role, if any, should government take to ensure no person is discriminated against?

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Twitter @TWRader
Training and Experience 15+ years in community outreach, organizing, activism & renewable energy leadership experience.
Volunteer/Community Service 6+ years in government leadership. Currently serves on Lakewood City Council as Councilman At-Large.
Tristan Rader's priorities include economic justice through fair wages and labor rights, environmental justice by advocating for clean energy and opposing fracking, protection of our Great Lake, healthcare reform for comprehensive universal coverage, expanding voters' rights, supporting disability accessibility, equitable public education funding, gun violence prevention with stricter laws, criminal justice reform, LGBTQ+ rights protection, safeguarding reproductive rights post-Ohio's constitutional amendment on abortion, and improving public transportation systems through funding public transit and commuter rail. These priorities aim to promote justice, equality, and sustainability for all Ohioans.
Tristan Rader supports expanding voters' rights, including automatic voter registration, broader mail voting options, and campaign finance reform. He also advocates for fair district initiatives and non-partisan map-making to ensure equitable representation. Rader opposes any policies that lead to voter disenfranchisement, particularly in marginalized communities.
Tristan Rader believes that to bring economic and job opportunities to Ohio, the government should invest in sustainable industries, support small businesses, and ensure fair labor practices. He emphasizes the importance of renewable energy, infrastructure improvements, and incentives for businesses providing living wages and benefits. Rader also sees promoting education and skill development as crucial for enhancing workforce competitiveness.
Tristan Rader's aspirations for education include equitable funding for K-12 schools, reducing disparities across districts. He champions tuition-free public colleges and universities for accessible higher education. Rader strongly supports universal pre-kindergarten, emphasizing early childhood education's crucial role in long-term academic success.
As a councilman, Tristan Rader believes the state should support local governments in funding essential services, infrastructure, and education, and assist in crisis management and large-scale projects. He asserts that states should not preempt cities in creating gun laws aimed at keeping their citizens safe. The state should also ensure local government transparency, accountability, and adherence to civil rights and environmental standards.
Tristan Rader advocates for a healthcare system that guarantees comprehensive coverage for all Ohioans, emphasizing cost-effectiveness and universal access. He supports reforms to ensure no one loses healthcare due to life changes and promotes policies that address mental health and addiction services.
As an environmentalist and renewable energy professional, Tristan Rader prioritizes a strong environmental policy and sustainable resource management. He is committed to transitioning to 100% clean, renewable energy, opposing fracking, and promoting green infrastructure. Additionally, he will fight hard to protect Lake Erie, Ohio's greatest natural asset.
Tristan Rader believes the government should play a proactive role in ensuring non-discrimination. This includes enacting and enforcing laws that protect against discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability. He supports policies that promote equality in housing, employment, and public services.