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TX State Representative, District 64

Link to this race TEXAS CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 3. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Sec. 4. ELECTION AND TERM OF MEMBERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen by the qualified voters for the term of two years. Representatives shall take office following their election, on the day set by law for the convening of the Regular Session of the Legislature, and shall serve thereafter for the full term of years to which elected. (Amended Nov. 8, 1966, and Nov. 2, 1999.)Sec. 7. QUALIFICATIONS OF REPRESENTATIVES. No person shall be a Representative, unless he be a citizen of the United States, and, at the time of his election, a qualified voter of this State, and shall have been a resident of this State two years next preceding his election, the last year thereof a resident of the district for which he shall be chosen, and shall have attained the age of twenty-one years.(Amended Nov. 2, 1999.)Two-year term. The Texas House of Representatives has 150 members from separate districts across the state. With the Texas Senate, the Texas House: enacts and amends laws; passes the state budget and raises or lowers taxes; passes proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution; and redraws congressional and legislative district maps every ten years. The Texas House has the exclusive power to impeach officials. Current annual salary: $7,200, plus $221 for every day the Legislature is in session, including any special sessions.Map

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  • Candidate picture

    Angela Brewer

  • Candidate picture

    Andy Hopper

Biographical Information

Qualifications: What training, experience and characteristics qualify you for this position?

Immigration: What is the best use of state funds and resources to address immigration in our border communities?

Public Education: What are your top priorities for public education?

Climate Change: What measures, if any, need to be taken at the state level to address the impacts of climate change?

Elections: What measures can be taken to protect free and fair access to voting in Texas?

Gun Safety: What further steps, if any, should be taken to curb gun violence in our communities?

2-3 minutes, this must be an original YouTube video. Please do not include text in the Description box. LWV Denton encourages candidates to use this opportunity to introduce themselves to voters. As with all answers do not refer to other candidates or other individuals in your video, e.g. do not say "my opponent". Please answer this question: Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be most pressing in the next session of the Texas legislature, and what are your positions on these issues?

Campaign Phone 9405953449
Occupation Professor
Education MS in Communication Studies from University of North Texas 2007; MEd from Concordia University 2014; BAAS in Political Science from University of North Texas 1997; Denton High School Class of 1992
Experience 17 years teaching high school and college class and five years in government and nonprofit work.
Other Address Incumbent: No
As an involved mom, loving wife, and passionate teacher, I have a deep understanding of the challenges my neighbors in HD 64 face every day. My experience working in college and high school classrooms has given me insights into the struggles educators navigate as they work to nurture student growth. My volunteer activities with my church and other Denton-based nonprofits have provided me with a clear perspective on the needs still to be met in our communities, particularly in supporting our vulnerable neighbors. Raising our small family has taught me and my husband the valuable tips and tricks that Texas parents count on to manage their budgets, keep everyone healthy and happy, and contribute positively to the world around them. The Legislature would benefit from more representatives like me – everyday Texans who are doing their best for their loved ones and communities during challenging times.
State solutions are not the real answer to the challenges we face in the immigration and humanitarian crisis on our border with Mexico. We must prioritize comprehensive immigration reform at the federal level to reach a meaningful resolution. This approach includes creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, improving border security through thoughtful use of technology and staffing, and investing in humane facilities and quick case processing for asylum seekers. It also requires Texas to work in partnership with federal authorities instead of creating more chaos and extremist rhetoric in an already highly charged situation. Instead of wasting state resources on endless court battles with the federal government over border access, Texas should focus its funding and resources on community integration programs, legal aid, public education, and healthcare access for immigrants while advocating for federal policy changes to ensure a fair and compassionate system.
1. Teachers are priority number one. Teachers are the center of education. When we respect teachers as the professionals they are, we can recruit and retain effective teachers in our classrooms. Respect looks like fair pay, affordable health insurance, protected retirement benefits, and freedom from teaching to the test. 2. Prepare all students for life-long learning. 3. End high-stakes standardized testing. 4. Universal, fully funded pre-k. 5. I will never support Governor Abbott’s school voucher scheme because it gives taxpayer-funded subsidies to private schools and does not require the transparency and accountability for results that public schools are held to. Public money belongs in public education.
Texas leads the nation in greenhouse gas emissions and in catastrophic climate-related natural disasters, but still lags decades behind most states in working to end climate destruction. To do our part to address the impacts of climate change, the Legislature must act fast on several important steps: 1. Transition to clean and renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, which not only reduce carbon emissions but also create jobs. 2. Strengthen environmental regulations to safeguard our air and water quality, ensuring a healthier future for all. 3. Invest in improving our transportation systems, making it easier for Texans to choose sustainable options like public transit and electric vehicles. 4. Promote partnerships between state and local communities and experts to develop resilience plans so we are better prepared for extreme weather events and rising sea levels, ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone in our great state.
Texas should be ashamed of the condition of democracy in our state. I will make it a top priority to reduce barriers to voting, increase civic participation, and ensure that all eligible citizens have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote. I plan to fight for democracy-friendly legislation including: 1. Universal vote by mail 2. Expanding Polling Locations 3. Online voter registration 4. Same-day voter registration 5. Restoring voting rights for individuals with felony convictions who have served their sentences, allowing them to participate in elections. 6. Mobile voting units for communities with limited access to polling places, including rural areas. 7. Election Day as a holiday 8. Automatic voter registration at age 18 (unless they choose to opt out.) 9. Voter education programs and outreach efforts to inform citizens about their voting rights and the voting process. 10. Ballot drop boxes for absentee ballots to make it easier for voters to submit their ballots.
Deaths from gun violence are near a 30-year high in Texas, yet our legislature continues to weaken gun regulations that could save lives. Our laws do almost nothing to protect the public from gun violence, going so far as to allow concealed carry of handguns without requiring the carrier to be trained or licensed to handle the weapon. As state representative, I will fight to protect our communities with bold, progressive gun laws: 1. Buyback programs for assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. 2. Close the 'Charleston loophole' by extending the background check waiting period to ensure thorough vetting of potential gun buyers. 3. Red flag laws that enable the temporary removal of firearms from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others, with due process protections. 4. Safe storage requirements. 5. Mandatory liability insurance for gun owners. 6. Significant investments in community-based violence intervention programs, mental health services, and suicide prevention.
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Occupation Software Engineer
Other Address Incumbent: No
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