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TX State Representative, District 57

Link to this race TEXAS CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 3. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Sec. 4. ELECTION AND TERM OF MEMBERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen by the qualified voters for the term of two years. Representatives shall take office following their election, on the day set by law for the convening of the Regular Session of the Legislature, and shall serve thereafter for the full term of years to which elected. (Amended Nov. 8, 1966, and Nov. 2, 1999.)Sec. 7. QUALIFICATIONS OF REPRESENTATIVES. No person shall be a Representative, unless he be a citizen of the United States, and, at the time of his election, a qualified voter of this State, and shall have been a resident of this State two years next preceding his election, the last year thereof a resident of the district for which he shall be chosen, and shall have attained the age of twenty-one years. (Amended Nov. 2, 1999.)Two-year term. The Texas House of Representatives has 150 members from separate districts across the state. With the Texas Senate, the Texas House: enacts and amends laws; passes the state budget and raises or lowers taxes; passes proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution; and redraws congressional and legislative district maps every ten years. The Texas House has the exclusive power to impeach officials. Current annual salary: $7,200, plus $221 for every day the Legislature is in session, including any special sessions.Map

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    Darren Hamilton

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    Richard Hayes

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    Collin Johnson

Biographical Information

Qualifications: What training, experience and characteristics qualify you for this position?

Immigration: What is the best use of state funds and resources to address immigration in our border communities?

Public Education: What are your top priorities for public education?

Climate Change: What measures, if any, need to be taken at the state level to address the impacts of climate change?

Elections: What measures can be taken to protect free and fair access to voting in Texas?

Gun Safety: What further steps, if any, should be taken to curb gun violence in our communities?

2-3 minutes, this must be an original YouTube video. Please do not include text in the Description box. LWV Denton encourages candidates to use this opportunity to introduce themselves to voters. As with all answers do not refer to other candidates or other individuals in your video, e.g. do not say "my opponent". Please answer this question: Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be most pressing in the next session of the Texas legislature, and what are your positions on these issues?

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Campaign Phone 9403911670
Occupation Lawyer
Education BBA – TCU; MBA - TAMU; Juris Doctor - St. Mary’s University School of Law
Experience Member Texas House of Representatives HD 57; 45 year Board Certified trial lawyer; 1 of 350 Professional Registered Parliamentarians in the U.S.
Other Address Incumbent: Yes
Serve on Texas House of Representatives Committee on Urban Affairs (cities) and the Committee on International Relations and Economic Development. Served on Board of Regents of Texas Woman's University; former Chairman of the Board of the Denton Chamber of Commerce; past President of the Denton County Bar Association & Denton Kiwanis Club; former Scoutmaster Troop 140 Longhorn Council; member board of directors of the North Texas State Fair Association. Former Chairman of the Denton County Republican Party. Hard worker. Have read, written, amended, and voted on legislation.
The United States is the most generous country in the world and allows more legal immigration than any other country. The State should not have to spend any funds or resources to address immigration. In that the Federal government has refused to secure the border for the last 3 ¾ years, Texas is now spending $7Billion biannually on border enforcement. Every time the State undertakes measures to strengthen the border, the Federal government sues Texas. The problem with the border is not just immigration, but human trafficking, drug smuggling, and cartels strengthening their control over Mexico. Specifically, money should be spent stopping illegal immigration, building border walls and other barriers. Those that still come across, need to be incarcerated, prosecuted, and returned to their country. We must remove the incentives for illegal immigration like welfare, driver’s licenses, free medical care, education of minors, and free legal representation.
Funding for K-12 need to be significantly increased. There is a teacher shortage. Teachers need to be paid more. Teacher retirement needs to be improved. Discipline in schools need to be imposed. Return to the basics of education by eliminating the social fads including ESG, CRT, and DEI. Continue to make our schools safe places not subject to attack.
The State has been a leader in alternative energy including solar and wind. The State can also support development of battery, nuclear and hydrogen. Reality is that Texas also has to have dispatchable energy sources when wind and solar are not sufficient.
Only U.S. citizens should vote in elections. There needs to be checks and balances on legal voting. Photo ID and signature verification are a must. To eliminate the concerns of illegal voting, the number of ballots counted should match the number of people voting. Central count stations should be under camera from the time that ballots and voting supplies are returned for counting.
It seems the culture of our country has shifted. Some young people think it is justified to engage in mass shootings. No single undertaking will address the problem. It’s taken a long time to get where we are; so, I anticipate it will take a long time to improve where we are. Some of the things that can be done include encouraging respect for country and others, re-instilling principles of faith and family, requiring respect for teachers, and improving disciple at school. There need to be harsher penalties for gun crimes and mandatory sentences.
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Occupation Businessman
Education Masters Degree in Business Management from Southern Methodist University - Cox School of Business
Experience Entrepreneur / Investor / Business Owner
Other Address Incumbent: No
My background is varied and therefore comprehensive:

- Studied finance & economics at Prairie View A&M University - the second oldest public institution of higher education in the state of Texas. - Master’s candidate at SMU Cox School of Business - 5 years experience in economic development  - Entrepreneur, investor, and business owner - Planning and Zoning Commissioner for the Town of Hickory Creek - Denton County Office of History and Culture Volunteer - 7 th-generation Texan who loves history and the effective administration of state government

Border security is a national defense issue and as such is a bipartisan issue. Unfortunately, individuals from Central and South America, Africa, and Asia who do not feel safe in their home countries feel that they must make a treacherous journey to our nation’s southern border to seek asylum.

The best use of funds and resources would be to combine Texas’ money and resources with those of the federal government and states that share a border with Mexico to create a doable solution to solve this humanitarian crisis.
My top priorities for public education are school choice and livable wages for educators and administrative staff. As the son of a retired elementary school counselor and the product of an innovative and well-funded school district such as Lewisville ISD, I am living proof that allowing the use of initiative and sound judgment can allow teachers and admin to create unique opportunities and programs for students to get out of their comfort zones to achieve a well-rounded K-12 experience.

This also means that each geographic and cultural region can shape the school systems that they pay taxes for to best fit their needs and desires for the children. Subjects such as outdoor education, hands-on coursework in the trades, and STEM may help to better serve the local preferences, economies, and industries in each community across the state.
It is no secret that oil and gas production has been one of the main drivers of wealth creation and economic development in Texas that helped transform it from a rural agrarian economy with a mostly uneducated population to the 8th-largest economy in the world leading the production of computer chips, superhighways, two of the nation’s largest counties (Dallas and Harris), and the nation’s top two largest public university endowments — The University of Texas System and the Texas A&M University System.

Although oil and natural gas have been very good to us, we Texans now stand on a precipice. We must increase our support of nature-friendly yet cost-effective solutions to help offset bad ecological effects caused by oil spills and gas leaks related to fossil fuel extraction and refinement in our state.
Since our formation as a democracy and establishment as a state, various restrictions have been placed on voting to keep individuals of certain backgrounds or voting patterns out of the democratic process. In our modern information age, it is easier than ever to pinpoint voting injustices being enacted and the groups they are meant to affect. Such actions are undemocratic and have no place in our state or nation.

Active legislation should and will be passed to make it an illegal and punishable crime for any elected official, elections administrator, or political action/interest group to make or aid in any efforts knowingly or unknowingly to prevent an eligible and registered voter from casting a ballot in a public election.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to gun control and many proposed solutions would infringe on the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to bear arms. But this does not mean nothing can be done.

I’m in favor of providing more training and latitude to authorized gun dealers and Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) so they can identify and turn away customers who may be unfit for gun ownership either because of immaturity, lack of awareness, or malintent.
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