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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Kaua`i Councilmember (vote for 7)

Duties: The County Council consists of seven members and is the legislative and policy-making body of the Kaua i County government. Council powers include the authority to enact zoning ordinances; exercise eminent domain powers; formulate and enact an annual operating and capital budget; adopt a pay plan for employees exempt from civil service; authorize and issue general obligation, improvement, and revenue bonds; borrow money on anticipated tax collections; investigate the operation of any county agency or function and any subject legislated upon; and adopt a general plan for the County. The County is expressly forbidden to interfere with the administrative processes delegated to the Mayor.How Elected: The County Council consists of seven members who are elected at large. A candidate must be a qualified resident and registered voter of the County for at least two years immediately preceding election or appointment. Term: Two years, limited to a maximum of four consecutive full terms.Base Salary: Councilmember - $74,928; Chairperson - $84,312

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    APILADO, Abe, Jr. (Aba-G)

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    BULOSAN, Addison

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    CARVALHO, Bernard

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    COWDEN, Felicia

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    CUMMINGS, Sherri

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    DeCOSTA, Billy

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    HOLLAND, Fern Anuenue

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    KAGAWA, Ross K.

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    KANESHIRO, Arryl

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    KEAHIOLALO, W. Butch

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    KUALI'I, KipuKai L.P.

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    NELSON, Jakki

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    RAPOZO, Mel

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    THOMAS, Bart

Biographical Information

Please provide a brief Candidate Statement, describing your qualifications and why you are running for this office.

What will you do to support a vibrant economy in Kauai County?

What is your plan to address the affordable housing crisis? Please list specific actions you would take if you are elected.

What strategies or initiatives would you propose to address aging infrastructure, such as sewers and streets, ensuring safety, reliability, modernization, and growing population?

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Education Doctor of Chiropractic
Community/Military Service n/a
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Campaign Phone 808-652-1442
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Education BS Engineering/Comp Sci 1984 Northern Arizona University
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Campaign Phone (808) 652-4363
I am honored to be running for my fourth term as your Kauai Councilmember. This responsibility continues to be my sole, full-time professional focus. My background in business, education, media and engineering strengthens my understanding of policy development to best serve our people. I enjoy engaging directly with constituents to address our challenges from small to large. My key priorities are controlling the cost of living to retain our population, address aging infrastructure and expanding emergency management with stronger fire and flood evacuation routes. Balance is needed in how we carefully craft our approach to diversify our economy in ways that empower our future and honor our heritage.
Housing stability is the foundation of a vibrant economy. Offering inspiring opportunities to our young adult population is essential to a healthy and thriving community. People's ability for remote work has emerged as a strong economic driver with little environmental impact or strain on our physical infrastructure providing greater flexibility and freedom for our people. Offering training and internships is essential to help retain the important skills that keep our island infrastructure running.
I will continue to support our Kauai County Housing agency's significant recent gains in acquiring lands for building workforce housing communities that address a range of needs from home ownership to senior, family and transitional housing rental facilities. Allowing guest homes, lowering real property taxes, and encouraging private enterprise to adapt aging condominiums, as well as innovative designs for providing employee housing are important actions we are taking. Equally important, is to not over-tax our market rate rentals. We need to keep our existing tenants in their homes and jobs.
Because Kauai's developed towns are dotted along the circumference of the island, infrastructure is expensive. The increase in the County General Excise Tax has provided funding for continuing to rebuild our roads and bridges over the next 4-5 years. We floated a $100M bond for sewer improvements. Our Dept of Water is working to gather Federal monies to assist their needed improvements. Kauai will soon have new, parallel undersea internet cables. Fiber optic lines are in place. The County and State have both invested in new heavy equipment to create fire breaks and evacuation routes.
Education High School Diploma/ Kapaa High School
Community/Military Service Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement- Board of Director (Native Hawaiian Rights Director/Sovereign Councils of Hawaiian Homes Assembly), Founder and Coach- youth paddling program (Hokualele Canoe Club), Executive Board Member (Anahola Hawaiian Homes Association)
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Campaign Phone (808)635-2085
I believe, as a 7th generation kama'aina and beneficiary of The Department of Hawaiian Homelands, my uniqueness qualifies me to make sound decisions to protect Kaua'i, Ni'ihau and its people. Inspired by my Kūpuna who are prime examples of upholding cultural practices, it instilled in me the kuleana to mālama keiki and kūpuna, kaiaulu (community), and natural and cultural resources. My various community service and leadership roles in the Hawaiian Community allowed me to engage on county, state and federal levels. In addition, years of service to trust beneficiaries of The Department of Hawaiian Homelands, I'm prepared to apply my knowledge to address some of our current challenges. I would be most honored to be your voice.
A kama'aina workforce is critical for a vibrant economy on Kauai. We need to support policies that increase service and trade industry. We also need to fully support Kauai Made Products, small businesses, and continue to encourage more local entrepreneurship. Successful micro agricultural farmers and increasing access for farmer market programs is also vital. We also need to also continue to support our visitor industry in their efforts to educate our visitors about our wahipana and native culture.
To address the affordable housing crisis we need to prioritize housing opportunities for our kama'aina workforce families who earn a decent living wage. (above the 100% area median income). This is the makeup of Kaua'i! I support projects of The Department of Hawaiian Homeland that removes beneficiary's from the waitlist. I would also prioritize county tax payer funds to support housing projects and partnerships that are built for Kaua'i workforce residents.
As a county we need to create policies that prioritize access to federal funds to address these problems. I would also support a budget that would adequately support staffing to review and implement necessary infrastructure projects and emergencies. I would also advocate for Native Hawaiian cultural beneficiary consultation arising through such projects.
Education Bachelor degree in Business Concentration management/economics Bachelor degree in Education
Community/Military Service N/A
Campaign Phone 808-639-8533
I am running to make sure we don’t loose anymore of what we call our home. We have been become a playground for our wealthy tourists and an investment market for the Billionaires. My family’s generational commitment to being a contributor to their community by sharing their traditions and culture to ensure we all succeed. My life experiences along with my education gives me the vision that we need to give our people a fighting chance in making Kaua’i a place where we “the people” can thrive again. My track record over my past two terms I have proved to introduced the most bills that made our communities a better place to live. Much more work is ahead of me.
My current bills that I have introduced will stimulate our housing crises. It will add work to our contractors industry. It will give our middle class an opportunity to thrive once again. We need smart growth which creates construction jobs at the same time preserving our rural interior beauty of our island. One of my bills I introduced will increase the desinty on Ag and Ag CPR properties. Now for every home allowed on Ag land you will be able to build a 800 square foot dwelling, covered deck space not included in this 800 square foot. Giving families a chance to build an extra home.
Council Member Rapozo and I, raised property taxes on Hotels/Resorts and TVR’s which would rise over 7.4 Million per year going into a housing fund in our Housing Agency to buy land and develop middle class work force housing which would cost around $450-$500 K. With all the land sales that are transferring between Billionaires, the only surviving chance our people have as if the County now becomes one of those Billionaires competing for those large tracks of land. Remember the Council can buy Ag land at a cheaper price, re zone it into residential and maximize our housing inventory.
This cesspool conversion mandate came down from the State, we need to work with those state officials/leaders and hold them accountable for a financial plan to solving this problem that they want solved. Our County can work towards inputting sewer infrastructure throughout our communities and financially support our communities with this conversion.
Education Kapa'a High School Graduate, Class of 2002. Griffith University’s School of Environment - Bachelors in Science with triple majors in Marine Biology, Wildlife Management & Environmental Science.
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Campaign Phone (808)634-6242
Campaign Address PO Box 1996
Kapaa, HI 96746
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Education BBA business administration - accounting UH - Manoa
Community/Military Service Supervisory Committee Gather FCU
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Campaign Phone 8083651605
I am 58 years old born and raised on Kauai my families are from Hanapepe and Waimea Valley. I am married for 32 years to my beautiful wife Cathy and we have 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters all of whom live here on Kauai. I have served on the Kauai County Council for 9 years and I am humbly asking the voters of Kauai and Niihau for the opportunity to continue to serve on the Council. I am running because I think my knowledge, values, and experience that I bring to the Council is important to make solid decisions for our People.
If there are pressing needs or requests made by the community that go unanswered I don’t hesitate to put it on our agenda to get answers. My record speaks for itself.
Continue to work with our Administration as well as our State and Federal Legislators and our private sector to see how we can grow our inventory of single family homes.
We have been successful in fixing a lot our roads and bridges in recent years thanks to our Stste and Federal Government who have helped us with matching funds.
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Education BS Mathematics Purdue University
Community/Military Service High School Teacher, Retired Fire Captain, Youth Sports Coach
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Campaign Phone (808)635-0388
Campaign Address PO Box 4002
LIHUE, HI 96766
As a former teacher, business owner, youth sports coach, and retired firefighter on Kaua’i, I understand the importance of investing in our youth, providing economic opportunities for our residents, and ensuring the safety and well-being of our community. If elected, I pledge to listen to the community’s needs, collaborate with leaders in our community, and continue efforts to make Kaua’i an affordable place to live, prosper, and raise a family for our resident population. I’m here to elevate your voice. Your vote. Your voice.
As a business owner, I am familiar with the challenges of starting a new business, acquiring an existing business, employing/retaining employees, and growing your business in a variety of economies. Tourism is currently our number one “export” on Kaua’i and will most likely continue to be unless we adapt and diversify. If elected, I will continue to support County and local efforts that ensure that local businesses continue to thrive, especially those businesses that manufacture goods and/or improve our food security on Kaua’i.
There are many great things happening at the County level for affordable housing right now. As these projects become available, it’s important to not only identity residents and families in need but also to provide programs that can educate and /or assist our community members in making sound financial decisions so they are better prepared to thrive and succeed. I will support any efforts that make housing more affordable for our residents as well as programs that assist ALL of our community members in becoming financially secure, responsible, and thriving members.
Aging infrastructure impacts our lives with increasing road maintenance, tree trimming, closed bridges, landslides, flooding, and increasing traffic. Identifying the problem is the easy part. Finding solutions where not only our residents are bearing the financial burden is key. There are many “vacation destinations” around the globe that have adequate public transportation, multi use paths, and roads free of potholes and encroaching brush. I would support any measures that improve our infrastructure with monies other than solely resident dollars.
Education Immaculate Conception School - Lihu`e, Kaua`i (Honors Student); The Kamehameha Schools Intermediate & High School - Honolulu, HI (Honors Student); University of the Pacific - Stockton, CA [B.S. in Bus. Admin.] (Honors Student)
Community/Military Service Kaua`i County Council: Current (2022-24); 2020-22; 2018-20; 2014-16; 2011-12; Council’s Housing & Intergovernmental Relations Committee Chair; Council’s Finance & Economic Development Committee Vice Chair; National Association of Counties (NACo) Boardmember; Kaua`i County’s Agency on Elderly Affairs Advisory Task Force Member; Anahola Hawaiian Homes Association (AHHA) President; Sovereign Council of Hawaiian Homestead Associations (SCHHA) Chair; Hawaiian Lending & Investments Founding Boardmember
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Campaign Phone (808) 652-3684
I have nearly ten years experience serving on the Kaua`i County Council; nearly two of those years now as the Council’s Vice Chair. I’ve also been one of only three councilmembers from the State of Hawai`i serving on the National Assoc. of Counties (NACo) Board for most of that time. Over those years, I’ve proven myself to be hardworking, trustworthy and thoughtful. I’ve also demonstrated my dedication to public service, my legislative policy experience, my strength with budgeting, my understanding of the issues and my commitment to always doing my homework, listening carefully and working collaboratively. I also have over thirty years’ experience working and volunteering in Government, Labor Unions, Non-Profits and Community Organizations.
I’ll continue working with our Mayor, Economic Development Director and community partners & stakeholders to implement our Kaua‘i Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic (CEDS) Plan for 2022-2026 building, attracting and retaining a 21st century workforce and developing plans to build capacity for economic development that 1) increases collaboration; 2) supports economic innovation and digitization for all businesses; 3) develops infrastructure; and, 4) supports the development of new businesses and markets for a diversity of products derived from agricultural and technological activity.
I’ll continue working with our Mayor & Housing Director to: 1) replicate successful projects (30-unit Kealaula transitional housing, 53-unit Pua Loke affordable rentals and multi-phase, multi-unit Lima Ola project in Ele`ele that includes senior, affordable & single-family housing); 2) partner with State & non-profit developers & 3) support housing developers going after federal funds and tax credits.

I voted to increase Vacation Rental & Hotel/Resort real property taxes slightly in order to raise $7.5m for our Housing Development Fund and will continue working to increase our housing supply.
I propose that our Administration: 1) works closely with our Dept. of Water to ensure water distribution expansion plans line up with plans for increased density, infill development and other housing development; 2) engages with our Water Planners to help guide system expansion, improvement, rehabilitation, and rate structures that support growth consistent with our housing development plans; 3) properly maintains our four wastewater treatment plants and funds all necessary upgrades; 4) works in partnership with private entities; 5) goes after federal funds; and, 6) maximizes road resurfacing.
Education Public High School and Public 4-year college
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Campaign Phone (808) 631-8225
I like to be informed and involved in decisions and policies. Most of my life I have done this through volunteering and being an active member of local service clubs and non-profit organizations. Local government seems like a natural progression after being in the Kapaa Business Association, Rotary, Mahelona Hospital Auxiliary, Project Literacy Hawaii and animal welfare volunteering.
Kauai needs to be more small-business and farmer friendly. I managed a family-owned business in Kapaa for thirteen years. I understand the struggle. I also believe financial literacy and entrepreneurship should be an area of concentration in our local schools. There are too few good-paying career jobs available on Kauai. This is one reason the brightest keiki tend to go away for college and never return. In a more small-business friendly environment, these kids could explore entrepreneurship and thrive here on the island.
Local land and home ownership should be prioritized. "Affordable" housing is not affordable for Kauai's middle class, so these properties are bought by non-residents who lease them back to us. Home ownership is the best way to grow generational wealth and that rug haas been perpetually ripped out from under the local population. Those of us who get a mortgage are under threat of losing our homes to increasing taxes and improvement mandates. The county could build more water treatment facilities or resurrect old ones that are currently decommissioned instead of mandating the septic switchover.
We can train our Keiki for these career jobs. Expand engineering degree plans and internships so we have the manpower to plan and make these improvements. We should not be subcontracting these jobs. We can solicit input and even have public contests for infrastructure design. We should also expand public transportation to better serve the local and tourist population. And since tourists' rental cars are parked during most of their vacation time, we should opt for a zip-car model over the traditional rental car system.
Education B.S. in Criminal Justice
Community/Military Service Retired Hawaii Air National Guard (21 years)
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Campaign Phone 808-645-0243
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