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United States Representative District 2

This person represents New Mexico in the United States House of Representatives.The House has 435 members elected from districts based on population. New Mexico is entitled to three members. Candidates must be at least 25 years old, a United States citizen for seven years, and must be a resident of New Mexico. Representatives are elected by district for a two-year term.Cámara de Representantes de los Estados UnidosEsta persona representa a New Mexico en la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos. La Cámara tiene 435 miembros elegidos por distritos según su población. New Mexico tiene derecho a tres miembros. Los candidatos deben tener al menos 25 años, ser ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos durante siete años y ser residentes de New Mexico. Los representantes son elegidos por distrito durante un período de dos años.

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  • Candidate picture

    Yvette Herrell

  • Candidate picture

    Gabriel Vasquez

Biographical Information

1. Why do you want to run for this seat?

2. What are the most important issues facing Congress in the next two years?

3. How would you address them?

4. What actions, if any, should Congress take regarding immigration?

5. What, if anything, would you do to improve the functioning of Congress?

Campaign Mailing Address 12 Main St Box 404
La Luz, NM 88310
Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 575-626-5167
Campaign Website
Occupation Realtor
I am running because I feel a responsibility to serve the citizens of New Mexico’s Second Congressional District. As I visit with voters across the district, too many do not feel represented in Washington, DC. I represent a return to the commonsense conservative values that made our country strong: fiscal sanity, personal responsibility, free markets, secure borders, and safe communities. If elected, I will always put the citizens of New Mexico first and do everything in my power to help make our state a better place to live, work, and raise a family.
Lowering the cost of living and securing the border.
Inflation was created by out of control federal deficit spending. I support a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution to ensure that the federal government lives within its means just like New Mexico families must. Our national debt is $35 trillion and growing - this is totally unsustainable and must be addressed for the sake of future generations who will face the consequences of our nations’ addiction to debt.

Millions of illegal immigrants have entered our country under the Biden Administration, significantly more than the entire population of New Mexico. We must crack down on asylum fraud, end the practice of catch and release, reinstitute in Mexico, and complete the border wall.
Again, we need to reimplement the Remain in Mexico policy, end catch and release, and complete the border wall. We need to reform our broken asylum system to ensure prompt deportation of the vast majority of illegal immigrants who do not qualify for asylum. We also need to see that those selling, transporting, and poisoning the American people with fentanyl and other dangerous drugs are held accountable and face serious consequences for their acts. Once we get the border secure and under control, Congress should turn its focus to reforming our broken legal immigration system to make it simpler for qualified immigrants to enter legally and have the opportunity to live the American Dream and make our country stronger.
Congress should decentralize decision making and return to regular order. This starts by passing - and sticking to - a federal budget, then completing the appropriations process. Too often this process fails, leading to shutdown threats and last minute massive funding bills written in secrecy by a select few.
Campaign Mailing Address Drawer L
Mesilla, NM 88046
Campaign Email
Twitter @@Gabe_NM
Campaign Phone 575-637-9400
Occupation Congressman
I am running for re-election because there is still a lot of work to do for our community. Now more than ever, we need to protect reproductive rights, the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, veterans, tribal communities, teachers, students, and our public lands. I want to run for this seat specifically because I am so proud to have been born and raised in the borderlands. I am proud to call Las Cruces my home and will continue to dedicate my career to fighting for my community.
Extreme Republicans prioritize petty politics over common-sense solutions. Actual governance is the biggest issue facing Congress, impacting women’s reproductive rights, inflation, affordable housing, immigration and border security, which are top issues for Congress to solve. My constituents are concerned about the economy, access to clean water, affordable broadband and quality healthcare, including women's reproductive healthcare. Unlike my opponent, who sponsored legislation to restrict abortion access, I firmly believe in a woman's right to choose. I am tired of this district being left behind because Republican Leadership continues to put politics over people. We must keep this district blue and take back control of the House in 2024.
We address them by working across the aisle, delivering common sense policies and always sticking to our values. Since my first day serving in Congress, I have prioritized putting forth bipartisan, common-sense solutions that would have strong support if Republican Leadership brought it to the floor. However, because extremist Republicans are prioritizing messaging bills for the 2024 election over solutions, progress will always stagnate. By prioritizing the well-being of our constituents over partisan politics, we can overcome the challenges ahead and ensure a brighter future for all residents of our district.
Congress has not delivered meaningful immigration reform in over 40 years. Republicans prefer to use immigration as a political tool. I’m in Congress to provide solutions, not play partisan games. That is why I started the Bipartisan Southwest Caucus and have introduced bipartisan legislation that addresses our broken immigration system and the challenges we face at our border to: stop cartels and coyotes' ability to harm local communities; implement better technology and more staff to stop the flow of fentanyl; create pathways to visa reform for farm workers and enable immigrants working in critical sectors to remain and work legally here; hold detention centers accountable and prevent them from cultivating inhumane conditions.
Republican House Leadership has created the most dysfunctional Congress. The resulting chaos and disarray, including the unprecedented removal of a Speaker, have hindered progress and left many Americans underserved. New Mexico deserves better. I focus on serving the people by addressing the everyday challenges working families face. From the affordability of groceries to the availability of housing, my commitment is to deliver tangible improvements that positively impact our constituents. To restore functionality to Congress, we must reclaim the majority and elect leaders who prioritize results over chaos. It's time to shift from policies that divide and inflame toward those that create a brighter, more equitable future for all Americans.